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Doing Trade & Transportation Business on the West Coast? GOLDEN GATE PORTS HANDBOOK 2020 edition available NOW! Sponsored by the Marine Exchange of San Francisco Bay Region Our growing portfolio of quick, easy-to-reference regional directories will assist you in 2018. Nobody puts the level of effort into regional port and trade handbooks the way CARGO BUSINESS NEWS does. Thousands of users will take advantage of our conveniently sized 5 1/2 " by 8 1/2 " wire-bound, tabbed reference guides. FOR ADVERTISING, LISTING INFORMATION AND TO ORDER HANDBOOKS: 206.324.5644 ASK ABOUT OUR NATIONAL DIRECTORY ADVERTISING PLAN EACH HANDBOOK JUST $39.95 14240 Interurban Ave S, Ste. 190, Tukwila, WA 98168 • (206) 324-5644 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PORTS HANDBOOK 2018 edition available NOW! Sponsored by the Marine Exchange of Southern California PACIFIC NORTHWEST PORTS HANDBOOK 2019 edition available NOW! Sponsored by the Marine Exchange of Puget Sound SERVICES, ASSOCIATIONS & GOVERNMENT Doing Trade & Transportation Business on the West Coast? GOLDEN GATE PORTS HANDBOOK 2020 edition available NOW! Sponsored by the Marine Exchange of San Francisco Bay Region Our growing portfolio of quick, easy-to-reference regional directories will assist you in 2018. Nobody puts the level of effort into regional port and trade handbooks the way CARGO BUSINESS NEWS does. Thousands of users will take advantage of our conveniently sized 5 1/2 " by 8 1/2 " wire-bound, tabbed reference guides. FOR ADVERTISING, LISTING INFORMATION AND TO ORDER HANDBOOKS: 206.324.5644 ASK ABOUT OUR NATIONAL DIRECTORY ADVERTISING PLAN EACH HANDBOOK JUST $39.95 14240 Interurban Ave S, Ste. 190, Tukwila, WA 98168 • (206) 324-5644 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PORTS HANDBOOK 2018 edition available NOW! Sponsored by the Marine Exchange of Southern California PACIFIC NORTHWEST PORTS HANDBOOK 2019 edition available NOW! Sponsored by the Marine Exchange of Puget Sound PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, ASSOCIATIONS & GOVERNMENT