
August 2021

Issue link: http://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1404782

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3 Spiel – August 2021 3 Spiel – August 2021 Porsche Spiel (ISSN 0273-6330) is published monthly by Pacific Northwest Region, Porsche Club of America, P.O. Box 24241, Seattle, WA 98124 (10 W. Newell St, Seattle, WA 98119). Annual cost for Porsche Spiel is $20 for "Non-Region" Spiel issues, $30 for "Non-Zone" Spiel issues and complimentary for PNWR members of the Porsche Club of America. Periodicals Postage paid at Seattle, WA. Postmaster: Send address changes to Porsche Spiel PNWR/PCA, PO BOX 24241, Seattle, WA 98124. For missing issues, address changes or questions regarding mailing of the Porsche Spiel, contact the Membership Chair at membership@pnwr.org.To place a display ad in the Porsche Spiel, for advertising rates and information, please contact EllenThayer at (425) 945-6940 ads@pnwr.org. To place an ad in the Classified section (Caveat Emptor), go online to www.pnwr.org/classifieds, or contact the Caveat Emptor Manager Dennis Coplen at (425) 825-0274 or classifieds@pnwr.org. For all other Spiel questions, contact the interim Spiel Editor Doug Andreassen at (206) 300-3701 or spieleditor@pnwr.org. Statements appearing in the Porsche Spiel are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily constitute the opinions of the Porsche Club of America, Pacific Northwest Region, the Board of Directors, or the Porsche Spiel Editor. The Editor reserves the right to edit any/all material submitted for consideration for publication. The deadline for consideration for publication is 5 p.m. on the first of the month preceding the intended month of publication. Volume 52, Number 8 COPYRIGHT © 2021 PNWR/PCA PNWRs Award Winning Newsletter • 3rd Place Class VI PCA Region 2019 • 1st Place Class VI PCA Region 2017 • 3rd Place Class VI PCA Region 2016 • 2nd Place Class V PCA Region 2015 • 3rd Place Class V PCA Region 2014 • 1st Place Class V PCA Region 2013 • 2013 PCA Betty Jo Turner Award • 2007 & 2010 PCA Heinmiller Award TABLE OF CONTENTS 10 Jon and Paul Warn travel overseas in their custom wrapped Turbo S for the Gumball 3000 Rally – twice! 16 "Bobbie" Kalben's longtime sports car adoration trans- forms into a magical experience and loving sentiment. 18 Mark Greene's podcast guest Steven Harris' Porsche collection is not only displayed in museums and catalogs, it's driven! 32 At AVANTSFEST 2021, Martin Wild sees the entire PNW gearhead community come together for a day of fun! 34 PNWR Members Mike Ashford and Jim Walker seek out the twistiest twisties on a camping and road trip. 44 Daniel Murphy's diligent car care is enlivened at Aker's Concours. Griot's to Griot's Tour Impressions Rare Air: Collector Steven Harris on Cars Yeah AVANTSFEST 2021 Winding Roads, Campfires, and Porsches There is No Substitute… for Cleanliness International Adventures at the Gumball 3000 Rally 4 Club Directory 5 Calendar of Events 6 From the President 7 Advertiser Index 19 2021 PNWR Track Events 20 Board Meeting Minutes 22 Caveat Emptor 26 Tour Time 28 August Tech Notes Club Event 9 Tech Ed: Hurley Haywood Cover Photograph by Brandon Woyshnis Brandon Woyshnis Bobbie Kalben Daniel Murphy Don Perry Jeff Halverson Jeff Jones Jim Walker Jon Warn Mark Greene Martin Wild Mike Ashford Paul Warn CONTENT CONTRIBUTORS PUBLISHING CONTRIBUTORS EDITOR Doug Andreassen (interim) TECHNICAL EDITOR Allan Caldwell ART DIRECTOR/ DESIGNER Patricia Woods ADVERTISING DIRECTOR Dan O'Connell CAVEAT EMPTOR MANAGER Dennis Coplen SPIEL TEAM Kevin Nouwens Martin Wild Sydney Tanner Dan Pilling

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