
May 2022

Issue link: http://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1470233

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26 Spiel – May 2022 It's Not Always What You Know, But Who You Know Story by Greg Fordahl Photographs by Sydney Tanner Introduction by Sydney Tanner Greg Fordahl, a 30+ year member of PNWR, is a local some know well and others might not have ever heard of. While I was familiar with his name from members that spoke highly of him, last September, at the first annual Sports Car Together Festival hosted by PCA, I got to meet Greg, his crew, and the drivers of the 311RS Motorsport team. As I observed their pit garage at the infamous Indianapolis Motor Speedway, I couldn't help but wonder how does a person become a race engineer? Keen on finding out, I met up with Greg after the Carrera Cup season ended in his garage in Bellevue and asked him that question. His answer: "It's all in who you know and not what you know." GREG FORDAHL FEATURE STORY for one of the first Seafair Races in the early '50s. Seattle International Raceways (SIR) wasn't built back then, so in the those days, they took hay bales and made tracks. Bremerton and Sebring were identical as they were just runways connected with hay bale turns. It was then, at around the age of seven, my introduction to driving a manual was sitting in the right seat of our 1960 356. My dad would rev the motor while drinking his coffee, and it was my job to shift the gears. A few years later, he put me in his 1967 Alfa I got into Porsche from my dad. My dad's car interest started back in the day when Pete Lovely, Grant Wolfkill, Jerry Fiarito, my dad, and even Val Korry went to Bremerton's closed airstrip, pulled out all the fence posts, and chased off the cows

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