
May 2022

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JUDGED CONCOURS AT AKERS JUNE 18, 2022 CALL FOR CARS Please sign up as soon as possible. DENNIS ROOD Concours Committee Chair concours@pnwr.org Dennis has held many positions in PNWR over the past 38 years including President, Tour Chair, Social Chair, and currently Concours Chair for the past 16 years. He loves driving all his Porsches and other hobbies include boating in the San Juan Islands, travel, and anything with his family. CONCOURS CORNER 30 Spiel – May 2022 H i everyone, especially to those who came out for our spring opener Show and Shine at the XXX on April 10. Thank you in particular to John and Dodie Mueller for hosting this event, judging the cars, and giving out the awards as I was out of the country and to Billy and Julie Shott who attended with their membership information. Photographs by Brent Jones First Place: Black 930 Slant Nose Coupe Second Place: White 914 Third Place: 1970s Light Blue 911 Targa People's Choice: Bahama Yellow 914 Show and Shine at XXX Drive In Winners:

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