
May 2022

Issue link: http://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1470233

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Page 32 of 51

33 Spiel – May 2022 would have looked like as it rolled off the Karmann assembly line, and now that vision was becoming an extremely satisfying reality. Access to great color photographs on the internet from Facebook groups like 914World and websites like Bring a Trailer enhanced the Porsche workshop manuals and made it so easy to verify how assembly was done originally and replicate it. Even with "professional" help, it's kind of comical to see how many things were assembled incorrectly in my first restoration 30 years ago. Proof: I was fumbling along without the aid of a digital camera to document disassembly, the set of factory manuals I now own, and access to the internet to research and ask questions. I found things like the heat flap control boxes mounted on the engine compartment bulkhead by a prior owner like every other Porsche I'd seen. The boxes were swapped left and right, so they would point the right way and then left me wondering why new heater cables didn't reach, so I added extensions to Painting last section Box paint booth Old and new CV joints

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