
May 2022

Issue link: http://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1470233

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WHERE the LOCALS GO 48 Spiel – May 2022 FEATURE STORY Story by Dan Pilling and Photographs by Alex Raphael Bremerton, which I ended up sharing with him, doing more of the bike stuff. He was always off racing, so I ended up covering for him when people would turn up wanting their Porsches serviced. That's how it started. Would you say the essence of the shop is mainly around tuning? Our main business is service, repair, and maintenance, but due to the nature of our customers, who drive German sports cars such as GT2s and B ased in Bremerton, Alex Raphael has been the owner and operator of MAXRPM Motorsports for over 40 years. For the latest installment of "Where the Locals Go," I caught up with him to find out more. Alex, tell me a little about yourself. I was working on motorcycles with American Honda and Suzuki as well as racing professional motocross. I ended up working on my brother's bike as he raced for the factory Yamaha Canada team. Everybody who ran bikes also had really cool cars. The cars were driven all year long whereas the bikes were more of a seasonal thing. Greg Fordahl had a shop in

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