
May 2022

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49 Spiel – May 2022 GT3s, there are a lot of customers that want extra performance. Working on engine rebuilds, upgrading turbos, and improving handling is another part of the business. We also have an all-wheel drive dyno, so we can perform open-source tuning and data logging. This means we can do custom engine maps instead of loading pre-configured ones. It makes our tuning very specific to the car we are working on. Tell me a little about the team that works there; we know a little bit about Aaron as his Cayenne appeared on the cover of Spiel last year. Apart from myself, there are the following members. My brother, Micah, is the general manager and allows me to focus on building engines and the tuning. We have another team member, Scott Schultz, who manages the servicing and customer service. He came out of retirement after running a shop in Hawaii. We obviously have Aaron Hill who's our shop foreman and has been around for over ten years. There's Tim Duenas; he's a master technician and has been around over ten years as well. Finally, we have a newer guy, Harry Mineer, who's a really talented technician. I'm lucky to have a great team who work well together and look out for each other. For more info, check out MAXRPM Motorsports' site: maxrpmmotorsports.com. Are there any trends you are seeing? For track use, we see lots of folks swapping out carbon ceramic brakes for high performance steel. People are upgrading to lightweight wheels with products from HRE. It used to be that people were less worried about their old parts, but now they are keeping them in storage. There are some challenges with the supply of parts. For example, I have a 4.5 liter 993 we are working on. We are waiting on some sensors from Germany that are four months out. I can't finish the car until I get those parts. To be fair, Porsche has been fairly reliable on parts. The parts are still available but sometimes have longer lead times. Any memorable builds of cars? There are quite a few. We've had a couple of 996 and 997s with big turbo builds. We've seen close to 1,800 horsepower on all four wheels, but they drive like a regular car. They were quite extreme but lots of fun to work on. We have a GT2RS Clubsport that we're doing some tuning on, not that it needs it, but if that's what the customer wants… Do you have any Porsches? I've owned a number of different Porsches in the past. Right now, I have two. The first is a 996 Turbo that is our demo car. It has over 1,100 horsepower and all the equipment we recommend and sell. It's really a sales tool, but I love it to death. I've also got a Cayenne that I've owned three times. It keeps coming back to me. Again, it's been tricked out to 740 horsepower and a TechArt body kit. Finally, I have a share in the GT2RS Clubsport, which we test on at the track. Any advice for new Porsche owners? Take time to learn the car before thinking about upgrades. The driver skills courses are a great way to do this through the PCA. Knowing your car and its limits before modifying it is a smart move. We try to understand what the customer's goals are before making recommendations. The other element of Porsche ownership is joining car clubs to meet people who are like-minded. There are so many different levels of participation from breakfasts to driving days, but, at the end of the day, it's all about the people. My thanks to Alex for sharing insights about his shop, this really is a shop that lives up to its name!

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