
May 2022

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Visit pnwr.org for complete details and updates 7 Spiel – May 2022 2022 PNWR TRACK EVENTS 2022 HELMET REQUIREMENTS DRIVER EDUCATION Each participant must wear an approved helmet in good condition. The helmet shell must have no structural damage and the padding must be intact. The chin strap must not be frayed; the strap attachments must be operable and securely attached. Face shields, when required and/or used, must be made of polycarbonate plastic or the equivalent and must be in good condition. Acceptable approvals are the latest or previous one most recent SA, SAH, M, or K Snell Memorial Foundation, FIA 8860, SFI 31.1 or BS6658-85 Type A-FR approvals. Snell SA2020, Snell SA2015, Snell SAH2020, Snell SAH2015, Snell M2020, Snell M2015, Snell K2020, Snell K2015, FIA8860‐2004, 2010, or its successor, SFI 31.1, or BS6658‐85 type A/FR. Helmets certified to specifications other than Snell must be within 10 years of the date of manufacture, or if FIA, expire at the end of the 10th year following the year of manufacture. Any helmet approved for PCA Club Racing is also approved. For a copy of PCA Club Racing rules write or call the PCA Executive Office or log onto www.pca.org and do a search for PCA Club Racing Rules. It is recommended that helmets be replaced or relined after 5 years of actual use. AUTOCROSS & DRIVER SKILLS Each participant must wear an approved helmet in good condition. The helmet shell must have no structural damage and the padding must be intact. The chin strap must not be frayed; the strap attachments must be operable and securely attached. Face shields, when required and/or used, must be made of polycarbonate plastic or the equivalent and must be in good condition. Acceptable approvals are the latest or previous two most recent SA, SAH, M, or K Snell Memorial Foundation, FIA 8860, SFI 31.1 or BS6658-85 Type A-FR approvals. Snell SA2020, Snell SA2015, Snell SA2010, Snell SAH2020, Snell SAH2015, Snell SAH2010, Snell M2020, Snell M2015, Snell M2010, Snell K2020, Snell K2015, Snell K2010, FIA8860‐2004, 2010, or its successor, SFI 31.1, or BS6658‐85 type A/FR. Helmets certified to specifications other than Snell must be within 10 years of the date of manufacture, or if FIA, expire at the end of the 10th year following the year of manufacture. Any helmet approved for PCA Club Racing is also approved. For a copy of PCA Club Racing rules write or call the PCA Executive Office or log onto www.pca.org and do a search for PCA Club Racing Rules. It is recommended that helmets be replaced or relined after 5 years of actual use. AUTOCROSS DATE LOCATION EVENT May 14 Bremerton Event #3 June 11 Bremerton Event #4 June 25 Bremerton Event #5 July 30 Packwood (tentative) Event #6 July 31 Packwood (tentative) Event #7 September 3 Bremerton Event #8 September 17 Bremerton Event #9 October 8 Bremerton Event #10 Registration opens 15 days before each event, closes at 5pm the Friday before. Entry Fee: $40 for PNWR members, $5 off with pre-registration Contact Paul Hagger at autocross@pnwr.org for additional information. DRIVER EDUCATION DATE LOCATION/EVENT REG. OPENS May 27 The Ridge Motorsports Park March 28 June 11-12 Oregon Raceway Park April 12 June 23 Women's Day at Pacific Raceways April 25 July 14 The Ridge Motorsports Park May 16 August 5 Pacific Raceways June 7 August 25 The Ridge Motorsports Park June 27 September 15 Portland International Raceway July 18 September 23 Pacific Raceways July 26 October 1 The Ridge Motorsports Park August 2 Entry Fee: $335 for single day events at Pacific & The Ridge, $550 for 2-days at ORP and The Ridge Contact Olly Downs at drivered@pnwr.org for additional information. DRIVER SKILLS MAY 28 • JUL 23 • AUG 13 • OCT 16 Location: Bremerton Motorsports Park Entry Fee: $140 • Limited Rental Helmets: $25 • Registration is open now. Contact Kevin Grealish at driverskills@pnwr.org for additional information.

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