
May 2022

Issue link: http://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1470233

Contents of this Issue


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COVER STORY 10 Spiel – May 2022 Story by Erik Kremsner and Photographs by the Kremsner family and Brent Jones A GREEN Journey Introduction by Mark Bitter I have so many great memories with Norbert and Erik Kremsner. Although, there's one that definitely comes to mind. That was our backroads trip to Monterey a few of years ago. As Norbert says, I've been on countless Porsche road trips, but the backroads we shared and enjoyed as a small group (to the last Rennsport Reunion) are the best he ever experienced. I agree; it was truly epic. They're both all-in for the people, cars (even non- Porsche), and helping others. When asked, they will gladly share their car knowledge, whether it's tech, concours, or driving skills. If you have a chance when attending autocross, be sure to ask Erik for a ride along or, better yet, driving skills guidance. You can thank me later.

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