Above: Crowley supplies
heating oil, propane,
lubricants and accessories
to residents and
commercial businesses
year round in Palmer and
the Mat-Su Valley. Below:
A Crowley driver delivers
propane in Kotzebue.
of quality, reliable and environmentally sound
services in Alaska. Whether it's supplying fuel
to remote areas and along the highway system,
providing project cargo services, tanker escort
and assist services, or just reaching out a helping
hand to protect the environment that has provided
such a stage for success to the company, people
who know Crowley know that the company's
commitment to exceed expectations will have it
growing and changing for many years to come as
it continues to be a business partner to the state, a
contributor to the economy and a good neighbor to
all those who call Alaska home.
"Understanding that customer needs are
continually evolving, the company is committed
to constant reviews of its offerings and will make
changes and expansions, in both services and
geographical scope, as warranted," said Harland.
Right: Crowley supplies a wide variety of
specialized vessels, such as this hovercraft,
to transport people, equipment and cargo
to job sites in the Arctic.
Throughout the last 60
years, unique expertise
and equipment have
propelled Crowley into
its position as a leader
of quality, reliable and
environmentally sound
services in Alaska.