Master Builder

September 2016

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W ith the November general election coming up, there's much at stake on the national front and in Washington state. In Olympia, we've been fortunate to have a divided legislature for the past four years, enabling the Senate Majority Coalition Caucus (25R, 1D) to defeat many tax, climate and regulatory measures coming from the Democrat controlled House—any of which would've been harmful to the homebuilding industry had they passed. On November 6, all 98 House seats and 26 of 49 Senate seats will be up for election. The stakes are high due to narrow margins under which control of the House and Senate currently exists. It'll only take a few races to swing one way or the other to put the entire legislature in the control of a single party. The 2017 legislative session is scheduled to last 105 days but is predicted to last substantially longer. With the legislature currently held in contempt by the State Supreme Court 2017 Legislative Preview MBA Legislative Update BY DAVID DUCHARME MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION LOBBYIST EASTSIDE COMMERCIAL BANK, DUCHARME & ASSOCIATES, INC. in the McCleary decision for failing to adequately fund basic education, fi nding a solution (estimated as needing $3 billion or more in new revenue) will be a lengthy process. There are many complicated issues involved with McCleary but one thing is certain: if Democrats control both the House and Senate, Washingtonians will likely see a tax increase. Since the last legislative session, we've been busy meeting with incumbent legislators and interviewing legislative candidates for potential endorsement. We are nearing our goal of 40 Primary Contacts Program (PCP) meetings where Association members educate elected offi cials on MBA Core Issues including aff ordable housing, land supply and workforce development, among others. These meetings have been very positive as we've found the majority of our issues are not necessarily partisan. We are prepared to advance our agenda in 2017 regardless of the composition of the legislature, but with that said, please review the MBA's candidate endorse- ments and don't forget to vote! VOTE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8 44 master builder 09.16 government advocacy

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