Master Builder

September 2016

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This summer, GRIP participants received checks for their share of our highest refund ever—a 40% return. More than 1,000 MBA members trust us to help them lower L&I premiums, keep safer job sites and maximize their annual refunds. We can help you too. Avoid headaches, cut paperwork and save money. Join GRIP today at ATTENTION Use proper technique when lifting giant L&I refund GRIP is a local building industry Retro program administered by Approach Management Services, serving participants in King, Pierce and Snohomish Counties. Refund amounts cannot be guaranteed. The 2014 first adjustment refund of 39.6% is stated as 40%. GRIP rate of growth is determined by premium since 2010. PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID SEATTLE, WA PERMIT NO. 15551 Master Builder Magazine . . 425.451.7920 Master Builders Association 335 116th Avenue SE Bellevue, WA 98004

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