
June 2017

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Page 53 of 55

JUNE 2017 54 the same day. I ran out and found that the garden hose I was using to clean up the oil spill had ruptured and was shooting a geyser straight up, thirty-feet in the air. Water was everywhere! Of course, I had laid the hose down next to the driver's side, with the window rolled down, so not only was the car drenched, but there was water in the car. New sport seats wet, new carpet wet, door panels wet, and puddles on the floor pans and rear seat bottoms. Could things get any worse? I couldn't imagine so. Fortunately, the car was painted inside and out so I was able to sop-up the water completely with relative ease and the thin Perlon RS carpets weren't hard to dry off. The new seats were not affected either, fortunately. My daughter walked out, smiled, and said, "Hey dad - your car's waterlogged again!" To be continued.

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