Connections Magazine

Winter 2012

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The Road to Zero From Tom Crowley Jr. CEO and Chairman Crowley Maritime For the past several years, all of us at Crowley have been on a mission to become the safest company we can possibly be. Two years ago on these pages I mentioned some of the steps we were taking to significantly reduce incidents and protect people, property and the environment. The efforts set the tone for employees to assume accountability for their own personal safety, as well as that of those around them. Today I'm pleased to say that our focus on and unwavering commitment to safety has been remarkably successful. Our Lost Time Incident (LTI) rate has dropped an impressive 80 percent in just a few short years. Everyone at Crowley is to be commended. I'm pleased to say that our focus on and unwavering commitment to safety has been remarkably successful. Now comes the hard part – covering the last bit of ground to get to 0-0-0 (ZERO harm to people, ZERO harm to property and ZERO harm to the environment). To help us in that regard, we recently brought together Crowley leaders and independent safety experts from around the world to participate in a two-day, company-wide safety summit. Many ideas were shared and strategic direction was set. The first step we are taking is embedding Health, Safety, Security and Environmental (HSSE) professionals into each business unit. These officers will be our "boots on the ground" and will have responsibility for ensuring proactive safety practices on site. Next, we're introducing a corporate scorecard, which will serve as a tool to communicate the company's leading and lagging indicators, as well as where and how we should be focusing our safety efforts as a community. Third, we're working to build layers of defense to catch predictable mistakes that could lead to injuries and LTIs. Finally, we've established regular forums to provide opportunities for Crowley's leadership, employees and crewmembers to come together to share best practices and safety successes. This increased collaboration and open communication is vital to achieving 0-0-0. Much has been achieved so far, which gives me confidence that we can make Crowley an even safer place to work, and ultimately achieve our 0-0-0 goal. In doing so, we can celebrate the fact that the environment has been kept clean, property has been protected and all of our employees have arrived home to their families unharmed. Nothing is more important. Sincerely, Tom Crowley On the Cover: Crowley's Chief Mate Andrew Stewart aboard the Legacy/750-1.

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