
Summer 2018

Northwest Farm Credit: Rural, Real Estate, Operating Loans; Farm Loans; Country Home Loans; Lot Loans; Equipment Financing; Young and Beginning Producers; Crop Insurance; Business Management Education; Property Appraisals

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Page 17 of 19

new to the board Welcome Nels DeBruycker Rural Community Grants Stockholders of Northwest FCS recently elected Nels DeBruycker of Choteau, Montana, to the Northwest FCS Board of Directors where he will represent Region 4 for a five-year term. Nels DeBruycker is a third-generation farmer/rancher who owns and operates a cow/calf, dryland and irrigated hay, grain and horse operation in three Montana counties. A Northwest FCS customer since 1980, he served nine years as a Local Advisory Committee member, including two years as chairman before being elected to the board of directors in March 2018. His term expires in 2023. Northwest FCS is committed to improving the economic and social well being of rural communities throughout the Northwest. Our Rural Community Grant program provides funds to non-profit organizations for projects that improve a community's infrastructure, viability and/or prosperity within Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Alaska. Examples of community grant projects: • New fire engine for rural fire department • New multi-purpose community building • Improving a community park's facilities • Computers for a community center's educational classes Projects must include a letter of involvement or support written by a Northwest FCS customer or employee. To be consid- ered, projects must show financial backing from other sources. If the grant project is chosen, a W-9 or IRS determination letter must be submitted by the non-profit organization. Deadlines to submit grant applications are Oct. 1, Feb. 1 and June 1 of each year. Projects must be submitted through our online application: northwestfcs.com/ruralgrants. Next Application Deadline October 1, 2018 17 Northwest Farm Credit Services

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