
February 2011

Issue link: https://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/118656

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pants meeting at 9:45 a.m. for any final questions or guidelines. Fees to cover food and awards are $10 per car and concours participant, $5 for additional person or observer. The next full Parade Rules Concours will be at Tom and Pam Pritchett's home in North Bend on June 4th. We had to cancel this one last year for both bad weather and lack of participants. Those who have attended the previous Concours at Pritchett's will recall warm sunny days with a great display lawn for our event and really good barbecue lunch afterwards. Tom said the area is even better this year. Fees will be the same as at Schindler's. Look for more information on our August 27th Field Meet and Concours/Restoration Symposium at Bob and Lissa McDowell's on San Juan Island. This will be a new event and will include a workshop in the morning starting at 10 a.m. with John Takehara, PCA National Concours Chair, and Prescott Kelley, Past President and Collectible's Chairman, as well as local mechanical restoration and 911 technical committee expert Chris Powell and a number of other restoration speakers. A barbecue lunch will follow the workshop and then a tour of Bob's Porsche collection and "Car Barn" and discussion and relaxation around other Porsches that are on display on the large grass field. Final costs and hotel arrangements will be forthcoming and announced in the Spiel and the web. We are also trying to reserve a block of spaces on the ferry coming up that morning. Club Event All in all, I think 2011 is shaping up to be another pretty fun year… in the Concours Corner. February 2011 17

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