
February 2011

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Page 18 of 47

David: That's a really good question and one that I think about a lot. I wish I knew the answer! I think as things change and time goes by people will become more conscious and appreciative, if you will, of the recent era. As one example of this, when I began working on our book "Prototypes", the GTP series had just ended, but by the time we published in December 2000, I think there was a tremendous sense of nostalgia for the diversity of cars and drivers, and the recognition that we had enjoyed something akin to the glory days of Can-Am. We will have to see how the open-wheel and sports-car series are perceived in the years to come. I'm glad to say that the current-generation drivers I know and like have the same basic stuff--keen intelligence, seriousness about their racing, and a strong sense of humor--that the Golden Age drivers I know well possess. book ideas and have to recruit the authors. Now that I'm established it's a combination of my own thinking and authors coming to me with ideas, which is great. It's always challenging to be creative and to anticipate what people might be interested in, so I'm very grateful for title ideas and proposals from authors and our customers. Jay: Is there recruiting and competition for some book projects? David: Less than you would expect. Authors tend to know the style and the strengths and weaknesses of the various car-book publishers (there aren't many of us in this field) and make their decisions accordingly. For me it's all about having a good working relationship with the author and being committed to the quality of the project, and I think the authors I work with feel exactly the same way. It's never easy Jay: How do you find authors and projects doing a good job on a book, and when both to work on? parties are putting in a great deal of effort it's David: When I first began working on my imperative that there be an overriding sense own I would be the one to come up with the of mutual respect and trust in that shared goal of creating the best book possible. Jay: Can you say anything about upcoming projects of interest to Porsche fans? David: I'm in the process of developing titles right now that I think will be really exciting for Porsche enthusiasts. It's too early at the moment to go into specifics, but I hope by the time this interview is published that I will be able to announce some of them. Their potential and quality will really be tremendous. It's just a matter of getting final details confirmed. I will keep you posted! David Bull Publishing has agreed to partner with the Pacific Northwest Region to offer a special discount to our members. The discount will be 30% on all purchases. However, it does not apply to Publisher's editions, but it is still a generous offer. Use the code "PNWR" when ordering at www. bullpublishing.com or when calling 800-831-1758. February 2011 19

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