
November 2020

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NOVEMBER 2020 WWW.PNWR.ORG 21 References 1. A. Caldwell, "Porsche Central Electrical Systems," Up-Fixin der Porsche Vol. 11 Panorama, February 1997. 2. A. Caldwell, "Porsche Electrical Wiring Diagrams," Panorama, August 2004. 3. Porsche 911 Carrera Workshop Manual, 1984-1989, PCNA WKD 482 020. 4. T. Charlesworth, "Understanding On-Board," Panorama, February, 2007. system fault histories (including engine over- revs) to help identify and locate the sources of maintenance problems. Aftermarket readers are now available for most of the later models to allow owners to check the stored fault codes as a diagnostic aid in checking out their problems. One of the current aftermarket manufacturers is Durametric Diagnostic Software who advertises in Panorama, phone 888-854-5523 and main- tains a website at . Durametric offers cable connectors and software that will connect a laptop computer to read any stored faults and/or analyze stored exceedences of the various OBD systems attached to the car's data bus. The website shows two kits for Porsches– one for the recent cars (Boxster, Carrera, Cayman) costing $287 and a second one for earlier cars (993, 964, 968, 928, and 944) for $347. Repair and Modification Approaches Whether your Porsche is an early model or one of the newer more complex versions, it is important to spend some time with the correct wiring diagram and lay out a simp- lified sketch of the before and after connections required for diagnosing problems or adding/ upgrading electrical equipment. For owner repairs or modification, if there is more than one way to achieve the result, it is always worthwhile to choose the approach that will allow easy return to the original configuration. Wherever possible, wires should be added or disconnected at terminals and original wire bundles left intact. Advantage should be taken of extra fuse positions and connection points supplied by the factory if they will meet requirements. It is also important to keep a legible diagram or notes of what was done for future reference. It is often difficult to remember the details of what was done (or worse yet, what a previous owner did) several years earlier if there are no records. With the specific wiring diagram for his model and proper care and planning, the interested owner can work several the basic Porsche electrical system problems. In addition, the correct factory data can help identify those electrical areas where specialized help is necessary. Figure 3. Wiring Diagram Explanation Guide (Reference 3).

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