
November 2020

Issue link: https://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1309033

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Page 37 of 51

38 NOVEMBER 2020 It was a long time coming, but we finally were able to pull off two PNWR tours… multi-day ones at that! The state Covid-19 restrictions made it difficult to plan and get insurance approval from PCA, but in the end we were successful by using very small groups, separated by increased time between groups, and not holding any group dinners. That at least allowed our small groups to get out for a drive together even though the end of day activities were all on your own at local dining establishments, each with their own restrictions on patron capacities. This is not the way we want our tours to be conducted over the long term, but it is better than nothing. Eric Breidenbach planned three days of scenic driving on the Olympic Peninsula from September 19-21 with overnight stays at the Olympic Lodge in Port Angeles. It was a convenient location in the middle of good driving roads in each direction, including the opportunity to drive up Hurricane Ridge. There is an independent article covering this tour in much greater detail, so I don't want to steal any of Ralph Tomlinson's thunder. Watch for it elsewhere in the Spiel (page 45). The weather on day one wasn't the greatest, but the next two days saw lots of sun- shine on the peninsula and the attendees were thrilled. Next was the North Cascades Tour, planned by Curtis and Samantha Broderson on October 3-5. Of note, they did 'dry runs' of the complete routes only a couple days before the tour—that was over 325 miles and then repeated it for the actual tour! It turned out to be important because one of the planned roads was suddenly closed and another on Day 2 was partially gravel. So, new routes were planned and sent out the day before the tour, including a new starting location….and everyone got the changes and showed up at the right spot! That is why it is always a good idea to check your emails right up until the last minute when a tour is planned. Having a good cell phone number in your MSR profile is also an excellent idea T O U R T I M E : Greg Halverson, PNWR, PCA National and Porsche Parade Tour Chair FINALLY! Olympic Peninsula tour and North Cascades tour Photography by Doug Whidby and Greg Halverson. 38

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