
November 2020

Issue link: https://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1309033

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Page 46 of 51

NOVEMBER 2020 WWW.PNWR.ORG 47 Our next official stop was for lunch at Lake Crescent Lodge. Quoting from the National Park website "Built in 1915, Lake Crescent Lodge is one of the first buildings from the modern era in Olympic National Park." It was a beautiful choice with easy parking, good food and a friendly staff. A walk on the pier afterward was well timed and looking down over the railing, the water quality was simply crystal clear. A few miles down the road we stopped again at Granny's Cafe for a Hagerty sponsored ice cream cone, meeting up with Hagerty Rep Mal Maloney, this time accompanied by his dad Brown and his beautiful red '93 RS America. This was our last official stop for the day before heading back to Port Angeles. The group was all but dispersed. So we said our goodbyes acknowledging again how much these tours truly are as much about the people as the places, but not before one last blast. Some miles past the lake we turned right off Hwy 101 toward a road called Black Diamond, conjuring the thought of the most difficult ski runs I approach cautiously. As it turned out it was a fabulous finish with just the right amount of G force and turns, leading back to Hwy 101, Port Angeles and destinations east for those departing. The final day on Monday was a short hop for those interested in going to the Dungeness Spit State Park in Sequim, about 25 minutes away. A hike of any duration was available all the way up to 10 miles. The tides were favorable, but not sure if any made the journey, some hoping to make it at least to the lighthouse; their motivation was to work off the burgers consumed the night before at Frugals. I took an early exit and headed back up the hill, thus ending a truly well thought out and spectacular tour. Having been fortunate to attend several tours in the past, both winter, summer and mid-week, I must say that the route selection, the amazing lack of non-participating cars on the roads and the mostly courteous slower drivers (excluding the Prius and the Ford pickup….ugh.), pulling over for us had been phenomenal. I continue to be amazed at the thought, planning, consideration and time given for this to happen and for the most part without a hitch. My thanks again to all those that made this possible, as this will be a very tough act to follow. I am looking forward with renewed enthusiasm for the next tour.

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