
November 2020

Issue link: https://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1309033

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Page 48 of 51

NOVEMBER 2020 WWW.PNWR.ORG 49 continued on next page Rainier. I never get sick of seeing the mountain and I have always wanted to see a sunrise there. Hence the need to get up early to make the 2 1/2 hour drive to the top and beat the sun. This was me 'sneaking' out of the house ~ 3:30am, hoping my exhaust wouldn't wake up the whole neighborhood. I drove right by plenty of gas stations in Enumclaw, but started to panic as I approached the huge National Park with only half a tank. Luckily I found the Greenwater General Store—the last stop for gas as it turned out. While it looked abandoned at 5:00am, the pumps were on and I was so thankful to be able to fill up the tank.

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