
January 2022

Issue link: https://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1447497

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36 Spiel – January 2022 DENNIS ROOD Concours Committee Chair concours@pnwr.org Dennis has held many positions in PNWR over the past 38 years including President, Tour Chairman, Social Chairman and Currently Concours Chairman for the past 16 years. He loves driving all his Porsches and other hobbies include boating in the San Juan Islands, travel and anything with his family. CONCOURS CORNER Happy New Year, all. I hope this year is COVID-free and activities- and-events-full, so we can enjoy our Porsches and friendships more. I would like to thank Mike Piccolo for the articles he wrote for the Concours column last year on the restoration of his 1960 356B from pretty sad shape to a Zuffenhausen Award winner at the 2017 Spokane Parade. Thanks very much again, Mike. We also enjoyed a series of articles by Darryl Deppe on restoring a sorry 1964 356C back into a very nice, period correct, first place Concours winner at the June 2021 Judged Concours in the Restoration Class. Thank you too, Darryl. This winter, starting with this issue, we want to feature Darryl Deppe once again with a series of articles on the complete mechanical freshening of a 1974 914 1.8, his first Porsche purchased in 1991. At the time, Darryl was working for Microsoft managing a software engineering group and did not have much time for the kind of work he does now on his many Porsches and other cars. 25 years ago, Darryl retired from Microsoft due to family health issues. Soon after, he started to grow his collection of Porsches. Several years ago, Darryl built a big shop on his property with one enclosed bay and has outfitted it with eveything to an almost professional level. He does almost all of his mechanical work himself except for engine rebuilds and complete transmission builds. With that introduction, here is Darryl's first 2022 article. The 30-Year Rolling Restoration of a 914 Story and Photographs by Darryl Deppe

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