
July 2022

Issue link: https://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1475784

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Page 12 of 47

13 Spiel – July 2022 DENNIS ROOD Concours Committee Chair concours@pnwr.org Dennis has held many positions in PNWR over the past 38 years including President, Tour Chair, Social Chair, and currently Concours Chair for the past 16 years. He loves driving all his Porsches and other hobbies include boating in the San Juan Islands, travel, and anything with his family. CONCOURS CORNER T he forecast was for some slight rain, .01" to .05", for the Judged Concours at Aker's on Saturday, June 18, 2022. It was dry when the volunteers and I arrived at 8 a.m. to begin setting up for the day. We did have some showers after 9 a.m., but we wiped off the cars and went forward. Participant cars arrived at 8:45 a.m., and spectators showed up soon afterwards. We had 25 cars to judge, and all showed up. We had over 100 spectators sign up but probably had about 80 in attendance. Judging started at 10 a.m. and ended shortly after noon. Lunch was served and was followed by the awards.

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