
July 2022

Issue link: https://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1475784

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LETʼS GET TOGETHER JEFF and SHARI WAIBEL Social Committee Chairs social@pnwr.org 28 28 Spiel – July 2022 S ummer is flying by! Every weekend there's a tour, track day, car show, or something to enjoy! If you've been too busy to get out, the weeks of good weather are winding down, but we still have plenty of fun activities to enjoy this summer. The club picnic is right around the corner. Like in previous years, the club will be supplying meat and beverages; we ask members to brings sides and desserts to share. Don't forget there will also have a fun show and shine, so clean 'em up! Ready to party? The RS model was introduced 50 years ago, and our good friends at Porsche Bellingham have invited us to celebrate on Sunday, August 21. Mark your calendar for Labor Day weekend. Full details are on the pnwr.org website and social media. Let's take a road trip to Bellingham! Until next time, keep on motoring! Photographs by Jeff Waibel

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