
July 2022

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BOARD MEETING MINUTES JEFF JONES Secretary secretary@pnwr.org Date: June 6, 2022 Location: Online Meeting Board Members Present: President – Doug Andreassen Vice President – Kevin Nouwens Treasurer – Mary Downing Secretary – Jeff Jones Director-at-Large One – Martin Wild Director-at-Large Two – Sydney Tanner Chairpersons and Committee Members Present: Advertising – Dan O'Connell Concours – Dennis Rood Driver Education – Olly Downs Driver Skills – Kevin Grealish Charity – Eric Breidenbach Historian – Jay Gillotti Safety – Steve Downing Social – Jeff and Shari Waibel Social Media Co-Chair – Jeff Waibel Social Media Co-Chair – Martin Wild Spiel Editor – Doug Andreassen Technical Education – John Mueller Tours – Greg Halverson Chairpersons and Committee Members Not Present: Autocross – Paul Hagger Caveat Emptor – Dennis Coplen Chief Driver Instructor – Paul Blake Goodie Store – Bobbie Kalben Membership – Billy and Julie Shott Past President – Ed Jenkins Sim Racing – Ed Eijsenring Website – Barb Coplen Members and Guests Present: Rick Askew President called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. BOARD REPORTS: President: Doug Andreassen – Agenda Submitted 1. Name tags are now in. 2. Business Cards have been completed and mailed. 3. Zone 6 meeting in Boise, March 18 4. Volunteer Appreciation Awards were completed. 5. PCA National call update 6. We're moving to in-person meetings. PNWR board meetings will return to being in person starting in August after a contract is secured with the Mercer Island Community Center. Porsche is celebrating 70 years, so we can expect a lot of exciting news and events surrounding the anniversary. Vice President: Kevin Nouwens – Report Submitted We're all caught up with insurance. Name tags are in and are being handed out. Appreciation awards are being distributed. Secretary: Jeff Jones – Report Submitted Board meeting notes for our May board meeting were created, approved, and submitted for publication in Spiel. I will be stepping down as Secretary, and Rick Askew will be taking over, pending board approval. Once approved, Rick will commence service starting with the July meeting and going forward. It has been a wonderful experience working closely with the club in the secretary role. Thank you for the opportunity. I continue to be amazed at the dedication from all the volunteers and engaged members that it takes to run such an incredible club. Treasurer: Mary Downing – Report Submitted Receipts of $89,966 were primarily from DE, AX, DS, the PCA 2021 surplus refund, PNWR dues, and advertising. Expenses posted of $59,581 were for administrative costs including a $20K donation to WWU FSAE, driving events, and April Spiel. There are six outstanding checks for $18,145 and outstanding expenses for June DE events to offset receipts posted in May. No invoices have been received to date for the May issue of Spiel. The checking account balance minus outstanding checks is $160,039, and savings is $97,481 for total available cash of $257,520. PNWR QuickBooks accounts are in balance with bank accounts. The Exempt Federal Income Tax Return Form 990 was electronically submitted by Eric L. Anderson, CPA to the IRS on May 24, 2022 and was acknowledged as accepted for processing by the IRS. Total revenue in 2021 was $379,375 with expenses of $340,105 and net assets of $259,747. There is no tax due with this return under the tax-exempt status 501 C (7). Upon written request to treasurer@pnwr.org, a copy of the return will be provided to club members. PNWR remains in an excellent financial position. Past President: Ed Jenkins – Report Submitted There's nothing to report this month. Director-at-Large One: Martin Wild – Report Submitted We are continuing with photo challenges on our social media sites. Last month was "Porsche and Family," this month is "Porsche and Pets." We've seen great engagement and photos for the challenges. Director-at-Large Two: Sydney Tanner – Report Submitted I've been working away on Spiel and sending consolidated monthly emails to help get up-to-date news and events to our members. COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORTS: Advertising: Dan O'Connell – Report Submitted Total Amount Billed: . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,294 Total Deposits: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $11,146.30 Total Active Advertisers: . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 New Advertisers: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Dropouts: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Renewals: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Several Autocross: Paul Hagger – Report Submitted On May 14, 2022, we hosted the third PNWR PCA autocross event of the 2022 championship at Bremerton Motorsports Park (BMP). There were 55 participants, of which 45 were from PCA and 0 from BMWCCA (compared to 89 competitors for the 2021 event). Receipts were $1,740, and there was a $101.40 credit card processing fee (compared to receipts of $3,220 in 2021). There were no incidents. The Western Washington University FSAE team drove their 2021 vehicle at the event as practice for their driver. WWU students offered course workers for a small donation to their team; approximately 10 participants took advantage of the offer. The FSAE team was able to complete 16 runs without issue. Their best time in last year's FSAE car was within 5.5 seconds of Top Time of Day (a 2017 Boxster S). We have events on June 11 and June 25. Caveat Emptor: Dennis Coplen – Report Submitted Eighteen ads have been submitted for the July issue of Spiel. Charity: Eric Breidenbach – Report Submitted The $20,000 PNWR contribution to the WWU/VRI FSAE team was made. A 38 Spiel – July 2022

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