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BY ASHLEY GLASS EDUCATION SPECIALIST MBAKS E quity is a vital component of professional development. It is a central principle of MBAKS' education program because we want these important messages to be as accessible as possible to our members and industry. We know that creating access means greater benefits for everyone. To meet the needs of a changing workforce, there's a growing movement across all industries to help employees understand equity and justice-centered workplace practices. And here at MBAKS, we are helping to lead our industry and community in these vital conversations. Back in June, we asked MBAKS members to participate in our annual education program Equity is an exciting and important topic in this issue of Master Builder magazine! survey. This survey is important because it helps us understand two important things: What members appreciated most about the last year's program, and what content they look forward to in the upcoming year. We know that members care about human resources, safety and industry certifications, and manager or supervisor training. And while we will continue to provide education and certification around these topics, we are excited to provide more opportunities for equity education as well. We are partnering again with nonprofit ANEW, which has provided RISE Up training across our region since 1980. The program is geared specifically toward professionals in the construction trades and provides all workers with the tools and support necessary to help create and maintain a safe and productive environment for a growing and changing workforce. We are also collaborating with Bellevue College's Tombolo Institute to provide new classes that focus on human resources. These low-cost classes will focus on ethics in HR, employment law, and recruiting and retaining a talented workforce— addressing the professional standards that members need with added content to help create equitable outcomes in our workplaces. Contact if you or your company needs assistance in identifying more opportunities for education around diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are always happy to accommodate members' needs on an individual basis. And check out our schedule on page 10 for more information on upcoming classes! Survey Says: It's Time to Talk About Equity in Construction Here at MBAKS, we are helping to lead our industry and community in vital conversations around equity and justice-centered workplace practices. Visit to join an upcoming class 24 master BUILDER | FALL 2022 MEMBERSHIP VALUE