Master Builder

Fall 2022

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BY COLBY GOODMAN DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP & COUNCILS MBAKS Upcoming Events General Membership Networking September 29, October 27 | 4–6 p.m. MBAKS Banquet Room Visit for up-to-date information on the location and status of events. I t can be difficult to quantify things like happiness and fairness. What may seem fair and just to one may not be for another, and the same goes for satisfaction. Defining the rules of the road is especially important when working towards quantifiable goals and outcomes. Business owners need to ensure that their employees have the tools and experience needed to achieve desired results. More important, however, is the drive to achieve those outcomes, and the experience one has getting to the finish line. A team member can seem engaged and have a reputation for delivering results, but can you really be sure they will continue to do so? What if that person is unfulfilled, feels mistreated, and is just going through the motions to get through the day? When was the last time you asked your employees how they felt about where they work and the work they do? Have you ever asked them what they want or need? Is the playing field level? Equity Produces Results When everyone is treated respectfully, you have achieved a healthy environment. Being respectful is not just about how you interact with a person but working with them fairly and transparently. It's also about creating equal opportunity for team members in the way they are recognized, the assignments they are given, and the support they receive. Just as important is their experience working with you, how that experience translates into who they are, and how they view work. These are all building blocks of an equitable workplace. Promoting a strong, happy, and healthy work environment helps you keep your very best talent and attract the best workers in the future. It also encourages team members to see things from unique perspectives and apply their own creativity and style to solving problems or creating solutions. When everyone is cared for individually, and well, the organization will be more successful. It creates a sense of ownership and affiliation among your employees, which sets equity apart from equality. If you are unsure how healthy your workplace is, seek feedback from your best team members. Ask them what they value most in their roles, but also ask them what they need or want to perform even better. Ask them about their dreams, where they would like to be in 5 to 10 years, and partner with them to help them achieve that dream. The more invested you are in them, the more invested they will be in your business. Create a sense of ownership and value; it will keep your business strong and help produce favorable outcomes. When everyone is treated respectfully, you have achieved a healthy environment. Make the most of your membership at 30 master BUILDER | FALL 2022 MEMBERSHIP VALUE

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