
November 2022

Issue link: https://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1486203

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LETʼS GET TOGETHER JEFF and SHARI WAIBEL Social Committee Chairs social@pnwr.org 22 22 Spiel – November 2022 Photographs by Jeff Waibel T he holiday season is at hand. This is a great time of year to reflect on the fun we have had together and start thinking about the next year! During the off- season we're bringing back the Breakfast Club, a chance for us to gather on weekends when car shows and other events are less frequent. Our Annual PNWR Celebration Dinner in January is coming up quickly. This event is always a club favorite and sells out! Register early on the club website for a discounted rate. This year we will honor Roger Jobs and enjoy hearing him talk about the great Porsche community. Make a night of it and book yourself at hotel! It's time to celebrate, and you deserve it! We are busy building the 2023 event calendar. We know many of you have great ideas, and we want to have fresh events every year. Send your suggestions to social@pnwr.org. Until next time, keep on motoring!

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