
November 2022

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DENNIS ROOD Concours Committee Chair concours@pnwr.org Dennis has held many positions in PNWR over the past 38 years including President, Tour Chair, Social Chair, and currently Concours Chair for the past 16 years. He loves driving all his Porsches and other hobbies include boating in the San Juan Islands, travel, and anything with his family. CONCOURS CORNER T he weather was forecast as mid- 70s and sunny for the 9th All Porsche Grand Display at Carillon Point. It proved true after the few large drops we encountered when picking up ice from a recently opened neighborhood grocery store at 6 a.m. The core team arrived at 6:15 a.m., and we began setting up for the day. Sue Gemmill of Carillon Point and her staff were there doing a lot, and Jon Scherer began setting up the audio system for the jazz combo, announcements, and Nathan Merz's walk-around talk. All was in place when the first of 107 Porsches rolled in at 6:45 a.m. Once again, we parked them arranged by color this year, making the rainbow of cars Nathan wanted to see. In the north parking lot's first row were black and grey cars; red, white, and blue cars were in the southern upper parking area; and silver, green, yellow, and special colors in lower parking area. All cars were in place shortly before 9 a.m., with very few no-shows. We opened the concours with the program announcements for the day, and recorded jazz music was played. Nathan did his walk-around Model and Market talk at 9:30 a.m., after which the judges began to choose the cars that were outstanding and well prepared for awards. A wonderful jazz combo arrived from Seattle Teen Music, the Mountlake Terrace jazz band program, and played from 10:30 a.m. to noon. The combo was a little larger this year, and I think, for the first time, it included some brass instruments such as the flugelhorn and saxophone, as well as base, guitars, and drums. It made for a great sound. We took a break at lunch, and when we returned, the jazz combo played live music again from 1-2 p.m. Awards started at 2 p.m., with a moment of silence in memory of the thousands killed during the terrorist attack of 9/11/2001 in our country and for our long-time, beloved national and regional member Allan Caldwell, who had just passed away at 94 years old. This year, we raised nearly $6,000 after expenses, including the contribution from PCA, which is more than we have raised in any of the past years. We changed our charity from EvergreenHealth Foundation to the Shoreline Community College Automotive Technology program, which John Mueller is also switching to for his "Once in a Lifetime" TechEds. All in all, I think everyone had a great time. We surely loved the sunshine this year compared to all the rain last year and appreciated our earlier awards and closing time. Here are a few comments we received after the event. Great job again this year, Dennis. I'm so glad you put this event on and give everyone a chance to catch up and talk about their favorite subject! Thank you for organizing that great event. I had a ball! Thanks to you, Dennis, for all your efforts to organize this great event. Sylvia and I had a great time and will definitely look forward to doing it again. Cheers, Bill and Sylvia Hartung Have fun with your cars in the garage and driving this fall and winter, and we will get together with you next year for more concours events, including the XXX Show and Shine in April, the Judged Concours at Akers in early July (I am staying down in AZ for Parade in Palm Springs this year and won't be back until the end of June), and then the All Porsche Grand Display in September. Photograph by Harry Johnson 44 Spiel – November 2022

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