
December 2022

Issue link: https://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1489077

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LETʼS GET TOGETHER JEFF and SHARI WAIBEL Social Committee Chairs social@pnwr.org 28 28 Spiel – December 2022 Photographs by Jeff Waibel and Pam Mildenberger W here did our year go? I cannot believe it is almost 2023. We have so much to be thankful for this holiday season. Speaking of the holidays, did you make it one of our charity events this December? PNWR members came together for two great charity events: the Northwest Harvest annual giving event and the Northwest Toy Run at Pacific Raceways. Some of our best events are the ones where we can give back. Looking ahead, our Annual PNWR Celebration Dinner is coming up quickly in January. Tickets are already on sale. There are several deadlines when the price increases, so make sure you don't procrastinate getting your tickets. This event is always a club favorite and sells out! Registration and details are on the pnwr.org website. Do you love our fun events? Would you like help planning them? Shari and I are looking for someone to pick up as the social chair and take things to the next level! This is a great way to put your own touch on our community and get on the inside track with other volunteers. We have a blast together. If you are interested, or just want to learn more, you can find us at social@pnwr.org. Until next time, keep on motoring!

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