
ISSUE 03 2023

Issue link: https://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1500860

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18 Spiel – Issue 03 2023 18 Spiel – Issue 03 2023 FEATURE STORY Story and Photographs by Martin Wild E ver since its inaugural event back in 2001, Porsche Rennsport Reunion has been the place to be for the Porsche motorsport fan. Rennsport Reunion is the largest meeting of Porsche racing cars and drivers on the planet. And luckily for you and me, it's held every few years in the good old U.S.! With the seventh gathering in the fall of 2023 on the horizon, you might want to consider making plans to attend this grand gathering of Porsche motorsport icons. So, grab a beverage and read on to find out everything you need to know to plan your trip this coming September. First, a little background: Rennsport Reunion was originally conceived by former Porsche racing driver Brian Redman and Bob Carlson, the former Porsche Cars North America public relations manager. The event is typically held every three to five years

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