I also need some additional 356s for the Vin d'Elegance display on
Sept. 10th at the Woodinville wineries. We had seven cars participate
last year and everyone told me they had a good time. Let me know if
you are interested in participating.
My compliments to John and Matt at All City Convertibles in
Kirkland, who recently put a new convertible top on my 1983 911SC
Cabriolet. I decided I was tired of the scratched plastic window after
22 years of ownership and had won an award certificate at the 2010
Annual Awards Banquet. I discovered the wide plastic back window,
which is period correct for 1983 and 1984 models, is no longer in
production and has to be custom made. They also did many small
things that made the overall installation turn out great, like replacing
all of the snaps so they match, repairing a very slight tear in my boot
cover so it is hardly seen and attaching the inside strap (once again
period correct) down for the window zipper which I had never had
before. Go and see them, they are regular advertisers and club supporters and I can recommend them.
Next month we will cover the Evening with Steve Terrien and the
1958 550A Spyder #0141. You should have been there.
All the best and have a great summer…
in the Concours Corner!
July 2011