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the possibility of having a tour to Redmond. Eric Kent, one of two co-chairs for tours, would be the point of contact for 2011. Web Site - Barb Coplen: Present - Report Submitted The pictures of the new Board and Chair Members will be published in the Spiel. Diane will be filling in the 2011 calendar. Diane also asked for content for upcoming email Blast. Old Business: Miller Adams and Eric Kent were nominated as Tour Co-Chairs for 2011, and Robert Durff was nominated as the 2011 Skills Day Chair. These nominations were presented to the PNWR Board for a vote at the December meeting. Motion made, seconded and passed. Dues: At the October Board Meeting, Pete Olson reminded the Board we had been discussing the membership dues. Initially the suggestion was to increase them from $12 to $20. A suggestion was made that we might want to run non-driving events differently to provide a source of revenue. We're collecting $1.00 a month from members and providing a magazine that costs $4.00 a month. A discussion ensued and it was agreed to place this before the membership for input. It was placed before 46 January 2011 the membership. There were five (5) responses all in favor of the increase. The impact would be an additional $10,000 annually. As a related item, there is the matter of how much to charge other regions' members for a subscription to the Spiel. We are currently charging $20.00. Motion was made and seconded to approve the increase of dues from $12 to $20. Motion passed. Motion was made and seconded to increase subscription cost for the Spiel from $20 to $30 for out of Zone and other regions. Motion passed. New Business: All the new committee members and officers will receive badges from the club. Motion made seconded and passed. Event Management: Eric Breidenbach has been looking at some Event Management Software for the Committee Chairs to reduce the administrative burden and increase our control – waivers/skill levels, etc. over our social events. Miller Adams and Eric Kent believe it's critical for tour management. They want to improve the way they break up the tour participant levels. We can access participants quicker if we have on line software. It's been a boon for all driving events. DE, Skills and AutoX worked with Motorsports to improve the software to meet our needs. One product Eric suggested we consider is CVent. He asked if we thought it would be beneficial to have a representative from CVent make a presentation to the group. Barb Coplen expressed the importance of the software not residing within our system, and that it be a service we purchase. The average cost is +-$1500 per year plus $4 per participant per event. The cost includes training and 24/7 support. Most of the packages would be compatible with all of our social events. As stated above, we are interested in how to improve controls, safety, and focus on the event not the administration of the event. Eric Breidenbach will provide a CVent packet to committee members. MotorsportsReg focuses on motor sports but can also accommodate social events. We will examine if MotorsportsReg data can be migrated to CVent. We also need to have the Committee Chairs define what they need to improve controls and safety for their various programs. The meeting was adjourned at 8:31 pm. Minutes respectfully submitted by Dolores Ranhofer, PNWR Secretary.