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A s more families move to our region and buildable land becomes scarcer, many MBAKS members are pursuing and working on multifamily housing projects. The safety risks in these projects differ from single-family projects, so it's worth looking at ways to keep workers safe and reduce risk of fines for safety violations. Stay compliant and avoid safety violations. From a small cluster of townhomes to a large condo development, multifamily projects are more complicated than single-family construction. To start with, they almost always involve more than one contractor due to build complexity. On multi-employer worksites, all employers must work together to identify and Through cooperation and vigilance, all employers managing multi-employer worksites can uphold safety standards and protect employee health. membership value Keeping Workers Safe on Multifamily Construction Sites BY HOLLY MARKEE APPROACH MANAGEMENT SERVICES control hazards and to meet Washington employee health and safety standards. Most of us are familiar with general contractors and subcontractors, but Washington state now defines four types of employers when it comes to safety on multi- employer job sites: 44 master builder SUMMER 2019