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WHY ADVERTISE WITH MBAKS? Get the most out of your business with unlimited advertising and sponsorship opportunities. CONTACT LEVI THOMAS TODAY 425.278.0222 "MBAKS sponsorship allows me to connect with the top builders, contractors, and designers in our industry. The association creates incredible opportunities for businesses to connect with one another through education and networking events. Joining MBAKS has been a joy both personally and professionally." LAURA POZZI NW Gift Company "Sponsoring MBAKS events gives me the best return on my investment regarding time, money, and effort. I drive all the way from Bellingham because I enjoy spreading the good news of my product at the events while networking with other members and community leaders. MBAKS is truly the best in the nation and I love being part of the association in action. Simply put, I love MBAKS!" TANA CHUNG Belling-Wood Depot "We sponsor for many reasons. It is valuable to get our name out to members and be a part of a great network of building professionals. And, we love what MBAKS does to advocate for our members and our industry. We see that as vital and want to show our support so that this critical work continues. MBAKS has been nothing but good to our family business over the years, so we like to give back and keep the association strong." CAMERON KARTAK AAA KARTAK Glass & Closet