Sauce, Pepper Curls and Stock Braised
��� Prime Rib of Beef with Jus and Horseradish
��� Fresh Bakery Basket and Butter
��� Moist Carrot Cake topped with Cream
Cheese Frosting and Toasted Walnuts
��� Warm Apple Cherry Cobbler - served with
Ice Cream or Whipped Cream
Yes, tours involve
Porsches, but they
also bring together a
diverse group of people
to enjoy each other���s
company and the open
road. Remembering
a theme from Robert
Pirsig���s 40 year old
book ���Zen and the Art
A no host bar will be on hand starting
of Motorcycle Maintewith cocktail hour and, as a nice bonus,
members may bring along their newly discov- nance���, Tours are not
about making good
ered favorite wine for a reasonable $10 per
time, they���re about
bottle corkage fee. Magnums will be extra!
The dinner will be $62 per person, payment having a good time
along the way.
due in advance. Seating is limited so make
sure to send your Dinner RSVP to Eric Kent
For more informaat before May 14th. Don���t
tion about the tours
forget, the PNWR room block at the Marcus
contact tours@pnwr.
Whitman is also limited and going fast, the
org , check the website
room registration deadline, as long as space , or
is available, is April 14th.
watch for the next issue
of the Spiel.
Finally, I extend a special tour invitation
to new members. My wife and I were transSee you at the tour.
planted to Seattle a few years back and took
a chance on a tour. It was time well spent.
April 2011