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Member-to-Member Business: It's a Good Thing W ith more than 2,800 members, the Master Builders Association (MBA) of King and Snohomish Counties is the largest local home building association in the country. AMONG THE 400 BUSINESS TYPES IN THE ASSOCIATION, WE HAVE: 2 acoustical contractors 6 alarm system providers 18 attorneys 10 construction management companies 9 demolition companies 41 drywall contractors 1 earthquake preparedness company 4 escrow companies 25 framing contractors 10 handyman companies 6 moisture testing and drying companies 4 radiant heat companies 69 roofi ng contractors 7 septic system companies 19 siding contractors 2 slab jacking companies 8 solar power/heating companies 5 staircase companies 6 stucco companies 3 ventilation systems companies 1 wine cellar company in our industry advocacy eff orts and make a signifi cant positive impact on the effi cacy of the organization as a whole. For every subcontractor and service provider that joins our Association, there are dozens that don't. Now, you may ask yourself: What can I do to thank these trades professionals who are members? Give them your business — or at least the opportunity to win it. Ask your subcontractors and service providers if they are members, or use our online membership directory to fi nd out. Give priority to companies that fi nd the same value as you do in being members. If you want to make a personal connection, come to our monthly membership lunches or any of our council events and see how many people you meet that provide the services you use daily, from banking to plumbing. Our Membership team, Patrick Hayes and Marilyn Sippy, are a great point of contact for questions and the go-to source for referrals, making at least a dozen referrals a week. Finally, if you're working with subcontractors that are not members, ask them to join. There are likely fi nancial benefi ts for them in the form of GRIP and our Health Trust. Members doing business with members isn't a catchy buzz phrase, it's a positive reinforcement cycle that benefi ts the entire industry. No big surprise there — this has been true for a long time, and we certainly haven't kept it a secret. What may come as a surprise is that of our 2,800-plus members, 2,020 aren't even builders. Who are they? They represent a diverse assortment of 1,300 subcontracting companies and 720 other service providers. In all, these companies comprise over 400 sectors and business types, from painters to lawyers. There's a good reason why so many businesses have chosen to support the building industry by becoming a part of our Association: they want to do business with our core clientele — the 780 biggest and best residential building and remodeling contractors in the region. They sponsor and attend events, participate in councils and provide educational content. These associate members give the MBA greater ability to succeed BY AARON ADELSTEIN DIRECTOR OF ASSOCIATION PROGRAMS MASTER BUILDERS ASSOCIATION 20 master builder 06.16 membership value