
August 2021

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Spiel – August 2021 21 Park. There were 54 competitors including 39 PCA members and 3 BMWCCA members. This was a very hot day, with temperatures reaching over 105°F at BMP. We shortened the course, shortened lunch, reduced the number of volunteer work stations on course, and encouraged interested competitors to consider skipping the event and attending on another day instead. With all the precautions, we were able to finish early, locking the gates behind us at 2 p.m. after a successful day. There were no issues to report, weather-related or otherwise. On July 10, PNWR PCA held event #4b of our 2021 Autocross regional championship at Bremerton Motorsports Park (BMP). There were 56 competitors including 46 PCA members and 1 BMWCCA member. This event was originally intended to be a practice event, but because of the excessively hot June 26 event, we decided to make this a scored championship event but keep the number of scored events that will count towards the season championship unchanged, effectively making this a bonus event and cooler alternative to the June event. Caveat Emptor: Dennis Coplen – Report Submitted Twenty-one ads have been submitted for the August Spiel Caveat Emptor. Charity: Eric Breidenbach – No Report Driver Education: Olly Downs & Chief Driving Instructor: Paul Blake – No Report Concours: Dennis Rood – Report Submitted Event details are published and registration is open for the All Porsche Grand Display on Sunday, Sept. 12 at Carillon Point in Kirkland from 7 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. This is a show and shine, so judging will be on cleanliness, preparation and presentation of the cars. No doors, engine lids or trunks/frunks will be opened. Awards given in several classes. Driver Skills: Kevin Grealish – Report Submitted Both the June 12th and July 24th events were successful and received great feedback from attendees. We are contemplating how to grow our Driver Skills attending instructor ranks as this will expand the number of participants we can have at each event. Goodie Store: Jeff Jones – Report Submitted The Goodie Store "buy now" links on the PNWR website are popular and working well. The PCA National webstore vendor has changed, and we are working with them as quickly as possible to get our regional webstore back up and running. Historian: Jay Gillotti – Report Submitted We have a few items in the pipeline for Panorama later in the year. The Cars That Matter podcast on the 50th Anniversary for the 'Le Mans' film with Jay Gillotti, Derek Bell, and Marshall Terrill is now available for listening. Membership: Jeff Jones (interim) – Report Submitted While interim, the focus has been on the day-to-day account management functions of the role, ensuring new PCA members are added to PNWR in a timely manner and member questions/issues are addressed. Membership growth has continued to be strong with 45 new members and a total of 2440 members. Safety: Steve Downing – Report Submitted With three major events happening over the last month, it's good to say there are no issues to report. Social: Jeff and Shari Waibel – Report Submitted At Wine Down the Weekend about a dozen cars and twice that amount of people got together at CSM winery on one of the hottest days of the year, an impressive turn out. It proved to be a great time just hanging out and catching up. This event was a success, and we should do another! There are four upcoming social events: Wed., July 14: Fish-n-Chips in the Park – an evening picnic-style dinner at Kirkland's Juanita Beach; Sat., July 17th: "After the Show" lunch – a lunch in Snoqualmie following ERTC; and the Pets & Porsche photo contest. Social Media: Virginie Grange – No Report Special Events: Duncan Newell – No Report Spiel Editor: Doug Andreassen (interim) – Report Provided by Dan Pilling We're continuing to evolve the magazine with the people behind Porsche being the focus. It's a great team, and they're working well together. Dan O'Connell is joining the effort and will help to better connect advertising with Spiel and create more value for members. There's been good feedback on the front covers of late with a strong pipeline of content, but we're always looking for new ideas. Technical Education: John Mueller – Report Submitted It will happen… Hurley Haywood will be in Redmond for the "Once in a Lifetime" event on Saturday, October 23 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Registration is open on MSR. Tours: Greg Halverson – Report Submitted Gruss Gott tour was held as planned and was well attended. There were four groups. Griot's Garage and Griot's Motors tour was just completed on July 10. Another sold out tour, Maryhill Loops tour, has a small waiting list. 60 cars are anticipated. August brings both the Diablo Dam and Women's Only tours. Both have been open for registration for some time now and both still have availability. Website: Barb Coplen – Report Submitted We're coordinating with our new SIM Racing Chair, Ed Eijsenring, to update the pnwr.org website with SIM Racing information. We continue to update our pages into the CE sections so it is all responsive. New Business The following motions were voted on and all passed: • Kevin Nouwens was approved as our Vice President for the reminder of the year. • Dan O'Connell was approved as our Advertising Chair. • Billy and Julie Shott were approved as our Membership Co-chairs. • Ed Eijsenring was approved as our SIM Racing Chair to the newly approved SIM Racing Committee. We look forward to learning more about this program in the coming months. • Martin Wild was approved to continue his efforts in PNWR from his new location in Mazama, WA. • Jeff Waibel and Martin Wild were approved as our Social Media Co-chairs. Old Business • None Meeting adjourned by the President: 8:08 p.m. Our next board meeting will be on September 13, 2021. Reports submitted by chairs, board members and recorded by Jeff Jones, PNWR Secretary.

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