
August 2021

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TOUR TIME GREGG HALVERSON Tours Committee Chair tours@pnwr.org Greg loves Porsche because he feels it's a quality product, driven by meticulous engineering and attention to detail. In addition, he feels that the "fun factor" is always there each time he gets behind the wheel. Besides loving his Porsches, Greg enjoys snow skiing in the winter and has played "at" golf for countless years! 26 Spiel – August 2021 A s I sit here, I'm confused because I can't seem to find a tour Time article I wrote for the July issue, and I can't seem to find the digital version of the July Spiel online either! Granted, July was the Porsche Parade in French Lick, IN, and that took pretty much all my energy being the Parade Tour Chair and all, but this is ridiculous! In the end, the tours at Parade went off very well. Over four days we ran a total of 17 driving tours with an average of four groups per tour. I insisted on keeping the maximum number of cars at 15 just like we do in PNWR, and that really puts on the pressure to get that many lead and sweep volunteers! Happily, every group on every tour departed on time. We also ran three dinner train tours and two bourbon tasting train tours, so there was something for everyone. It was hot but not unbearable, and we were lucky to dodge the daily thunderstorms with our morning departures. For the final Parade of Porsches, we had over 220 cars in single file, escorted by the French Lick police chief and the Indiana State Highway Patrol. It was quite a sight, to say the least. You can see a full gallery of pictures on the Porsche Parade website. Back home, there were only ten Photographs by Gary Barklind, Jeff Halverson, and Jeff Jones The Hot Days of Summer

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