
August 2021

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6 Spiel – August 2021 DOUG ANDREASSEN President • (206) 300-3701 president@pnwr.org FROM THE PRESIDENT Doug appreciates the commitment that Porsche makes to their motorsport success and how that technology transfers to the vehicles we all love. Outside of that passion, he enjoys soccer, hiking, and spending time outdoors in the company of others. 6 Spiel – August 2021 We look toward a calendar full of fall programs. Do not put that car in the garage just yet! Follow us on Instagram @pca_pnwr. Text "PNWR" to 55678 for all club info on events, news & exclusives. Opt in now! London, Tokyo, and Seattle? A s I write this message, we look toward a calendar full of fall programs. We have Tours, Driver Education, Driver Skills, Autocross, and of course, Technical Education events coming your way. Do not put that car in the garage just yet! After two years of planning, we are preparing to welcome Hurley Haywood to PNWR, on October 23, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This event will sell out quickly; secure your position by going to www.motorsportsreg.com. The investment for this event is $59 which helps us with our charitable initiatives. Please see the ad in this month's Spiel on page 9 for further information. You will not want not to miss what this legendary driver will tell us about his life of winning the most prestigious motorsport events in history. How do we tie the headline of this article together, you might ask? Sydney Tanner was strolling through the gathering of the exotic cars in Redmond and came across what turned out to be our feature story this month. There it was, parked in the back lot: a 2014 Turbo S wrapped with this beautiful imagery of the world. Curiosity being what it is, she soon had her mission statement for the month. Who, what, when, where, and why soon became the pursuit of this fun story. We think you will enjoy it. We also think you will enjoy the story "Winding Roads, Campfires and Porsches." PNWR member Mike Ashford contacted us about a planned camping trip, looking forward to telling the story of camping with his Porsche. No, this was not the SUV Porsche either. Read it, and you might start planning your next inspirational trip with your own incredible car. We are also starting to look toward 2022 and what it will bring for our enjoyment. We have the election of officers coming up this November/ December. The following positions are open for candidates: President, Vice President, and Secretary. I keep this quote from Martin Luther King on my office wall: "Life's most urgent question is: what are you doing for others." And so I ask you, what are you doing? Thank you to all the board members, committee chairs, and everyone else who helps make PNWR one of the top membership clubs in the PCA. I look forward to seeing you down the road.

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