
August 2021

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Spiel – August 2021 20 BOARD MEETING MINUTES JEFF JONES Secretary secretary@pnwr.org Jeff loves the timeless, iconic design of the 911 and Porsche's commitment to the driving experience. He inherited his love of cars from his father and is working hard to pass the addiction down to his two sons. When he isn't taking car photos, Jeff is doing what he can to help car culture be more inclusive and welcoming. Date: July 12, 2021 Location: Online Meeting Board Members Present: President – Doug Andreassen Vice President – Virginie Grange Treasurer – Mary Downing Secretary – Jeff Jones Past President – Ed Jenkins Director-at-Large Two – Sydney Tanner Chairpersons and Committee Members Present: Goodie Store – Jeff Jones Membership – Jeff Jones (interim) Social Media Chair – Virginie Grange Historian – Jay Gillotti Driver Skills – Kevin Grealish Safety – Steve Downing Spiel Editor – Doug Andreassen Advertising – Ellen Thayer Concours – Dennis Rood Technical Education – John Mueller Chairpersons and Committee Members Not Present: Director- at-Large One – Martin Wild Tours – Greg Halverson Driver's Education – Olly Downs Caveat Emptor – Dennis Coplen Charity Committee – Eric Breidenbach Social Committee Chair – Jeff & Shari Waibel Chief Driver Instructor – Paul Blake Autocross – Paul Hagger Special Events – Duncan Newell Website – Barb Coplen Members and Guests Present: Dan Pilling, Billy Shott, Julie Shott, Curtis Broderson, Dan O'Connell President called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. BOARD REPORTS: President: Doug Andreassen – Agenda Submitted PNWR membership numbers continue to grow nicely. There's been good progress recruiting volunteers for key roles with several changes to vote on that will be listed in New Business. A huge thank you is due to Virginie Grange and Ellen Thayer who have both decided to resign from their roles on the board. Both individuals have served in their respective positions for over 5 years, and we cannot thank them enough for their commitment to PNWR and our membership. Vice President: Virginie Grange – No Report Secretary: Jeff Jones – Report Submitted Board meetings have been scheduled for the remainder of 2021 to hold space on people's calendars. Board meeting notes for our June meeting were approved and submitted for publication in Spiel. Treasurer: Mary Downing – Report Submitted Receipts for June were $45,291 from Driving and Concours event entry fees, PNWR dues, and Spiel advertising. Expenses posted of $39,289 included May and June Spiel issues, Driving and Concours events, and typical administrative costs. There are five outstanding checks totaling $2,859 and $21,000 in outstanding expenses primarily for the DE ORP event that will be posted in July offsetting June receipts. Mid- year net income is estimated at $10,740. Account balance in checking is $133,751 and $97,443 in savings for a total available cash of $231,193 as of June 30, 2021. Receipts and expenses for the first six months of 2021 have been typical for activities resumed with one exception of contracting the Spiel layout and graphics, increasing the cost per newsletter by $1, a dollar well spent evidenced by the overwhelming member response to the new design. PNWR remains in an excellent financial position. Past-President: Ed Jenkins – No Report Director-at-Large One: Martin Wild – No Report Director-at-Large Two: Sydney Tanner – Report Submitted Primary focus is on Spiel content contribution, especially on members sharing their stories with the intent to celebrate and connect our community. We have a strong pipeline of Spiel member stories but are always in search of more. Please reach out to editor@pnwr.org with ideas. COMMITTEE CHAIR REPORTS: Advertising: Ellen Thayer – Report Submitted Total Amount Billed: . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4,204 Total Deposits June: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $685 Total Deposits July: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,403 Total Active Advertisers: . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Total Billed Advertisers: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 New Advertisers: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Dropouts: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Dundon Motorsports 6/12 Month Prepaid Renewals: . . . . . . . . 2 BP Racing, Porsche Autocross: Paul Hagger – Report Submitted On June 26, PNWR PCA held event #4 of our 2021 Autocross regional championship at Bremerton Motorsports

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