
August 2021

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maps specifically designed for motorcyclists seeking the most exciting and twisty roads toward their eventual destination near La Grande, Oregon. The two drove east on serpentine country roads, through kelly green wheat fields to the farming town of Condon for breakfast at the Country Flowers Café. Per Jim: "Hwy 206 did not disappoint with not only multiple sharp curves, but abrupt elevation changes to enhance the driving sensation." Traffic was light with no pesky constables in sight. "The highway world was our oyster." Road quality was high and posted curve limits were well stated as accurate gauges for blind turns, so you could concentrate on the job at hand. "Do I stay safer at 50% or do I challenge myself at 100%?" Jim's 991 has an accelerometer to measure the G-forces in every corner, a fun little toy. Finally, they rolled into the town of Condon, established in 1883 and the "Gilliam County seat." At breakfast, conversation was with the local farmers about the wheat crop, lack of rain, and the local baseball team's chances this season. After a nice, locally sourced, fulfilling breakfast, they headed off on Hwy 206 to Heppner, then east over Joseph Hill Summit (3160 elevation) on Hwy 74. Jim said, "Heppner to Pilot Rock on Hwy 74 was an amazing adventure with biceps pumping both left then right as if purposefully constructed 36 Spiel – August 2021 It was an amazing adventure with biceps pumping both left then right as if purposefully constructed for sports cars.

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