
August 2021

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out to be a stressful, white knuckled drive for both. Mercifully, the intrepid travelers started to head down from the summit and gradually got out of the snow. "Civilization" was finally encountered in Joseph, OR where the pair gassed up and talked to a local who assured them that the next leg of the trip through Enterprise, Willowa, and Elgin would be twisty but snow free. Uneventfully, they continued on through Milton Freewater to Walla Walla and then on to Richland, not getting to a motel until about 8:30 p.m. After an underwhelming dinner, Mike and Jim "hit the rack" at the Richland Motel 6. According to Mike, "it was not the most luxurious digs, but we were too tired to care." Total miles traveled for the day: 415. The Friday morning departure from Richland was at 7 a.m. with Jim heading up to I-90 and Mike heading back towards Yakima and then home to Olympia via White Pass. By the end of the adventure, Mike and Jim had logged approximately 1,450 miles during their 5-day trip. When Jim and Mike set up their Porsche camping trip Mike stated, "our main goal was to ferret out some Eastern Oregon twisties that we had never been on. We achieved that goal in spades, and I am now officially twistied out for the foreseeable future. We had a great time together with our beautiful 911s. As the saying goes, 'you come for the cars, but you stay for the people.'" 39 Spiel – August 2021 Back and forth, back and forth, right hander then left hander, the best twisty road of the whole trip went on and on for about 25 miles.

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