
August 2021

Issue link: http://digital.nexsitepublishing.com/i/1404782

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12 oceans, mountains, and trees which the flag's colors are based on. Working with Troy on the creative process was amazing, watching the simple black car get transformed into a unique work of art. The final piece was getting the car from Seattle to London. Shipping out from Tacoma, the car was rolled into a container, loaded onto a ship, and made its way through the Panama Canal on a two-month journey, arriving in London only days before the rally after unexpected delays. On the starting grid in London, we truly got a sense of Gumball's Our biggest concern was getting an unrepairable flat far from the nearest Porsche service center. We fitted the car with a roof rack to carry a complete wheel replacement, a front wheel which could fit on the rear in an emergency. We also swapped out the stock wheels for BBS CH-R IIs to give it a rally look. Inside, we packed the car with an array of emergency equipment for minor repairs and safety. Our theory was "when you have everything you need, you never need to use it," and luckily, we didn't have to on either rally. We also wanted to get creative with a distinctive vinyl wrap which had become a focal point of Gumball cars over the years. Jon had the idea of a wrap to honor the Cascadia flag. Troy Dorn at Gorilla Mad started with a simple design of blue, white and green stripes. That quickly became a custom grayscale, graffiti-inspired design with "stripes" representing CHANTILLY CHANTILLY LONDON LONDON TOKYO TOKYO Spiel – August 2021

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